JManc Unconference 24
I recently attended the JManc Unconference 24, and it was a great experience. The event was held at the Auto Trader's office in Manchester, and it was a full day of discussing all things Java.
The day kicked off with a keynote from Helen Scott, a developer advocate at JetBrains, the keynote was focused on AI, touching on developer effectiveness.
The event followed an Open Space Technology format where the attendees could propose sessions and join in on the ones that interested them. The schedule ended up as follows:
It was interesting to hear other people's thoughts on each topic. I felt that some sessions lacked direction, but I think that's the nature of the format. The facilitators tried their best to navigate, avoiding awkward conversations and silence. I enjoyed the sessions that were more focused and had a clear direction on the topic being discussed.
There is one law of the Open Space Technology format: "The Law of Two Feet":
If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, go someplace else.
I will remember this for next time. I'm looking forward it, and I hope to see some familiar faces there.