Streamline password management on MacOS with pass & fzf

I use pass and this simple shell script that searches .gpg files in ~/.password-store or PASSWORD_STORE_DIR (if set) and pipes into fzf:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

pushd "${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR:-$HOME/.password-store}"
PASSFILE=`fd -t file -e gpg --color=always | sed 's/\.gpg//; s/^\.\///' | fzf --ansi`

[ -z "$PASSFILE" ] && exit 0

pass -c $PASSFILE 1>/dev/null

iCanHazShortcut let me assign shortcuts to my script. Pressing <kbd>Command</kbd> + <kbd>P</kbd> runs alacritty -e sh -c '~/bin/fzf-passmenu', which opens a new terminal window and runs the script. It's a fast and simple process.